The Active Ingredient in Communication

Don't take it personal – Make it personal!

So, what's the secret sauce to add that makes your communication work?

The most significant things in the world for dogs are other dogs. For cats it's other cats. And what people care most about are other people.

No matter what your project is, no matter what topic you talk about, when you try to get something across, your audience will likely care about you just as much as they care about your subject.

Make it personal! Show some of what's going on inside of you! Reveal some of what you feel and need! That's the active ingredient in communication.

Nonviolent Communication (NVC) proposes one way for establishing such a human connection, on top of which subject matter concerns can ride more smoothly.

When I write about NVC, I feel joy and excitement. I'm excited about the prospect of being able to contribute to other people what has been an enrichment to my life.